Life isn't always easy. And there is one thing that is constant in life and that is change. Think about your life. Did you used to think you were "so fat" when you were younger and now look back on those days and WISH to be at the weight you were at? Do you look at your face when you wake up in the morning and see sleep lines and then....they are still there 2 hours later? When you look in the mirror, do you notice lines that you don't remember being there before? Or see a gray hair and wonder when THAT started happening (and subsequently dig through your roots trying to find how many you have!)? You may be thinking "Gee, Michelle, thanks for the uplifting talk", but the truth is it's easy to see our changing appearance as we age and wonder what happened to our youth and wonder where the years have gone. The same goes for style, fashion, and even makeup. Remember blue eyeshadow? Have you ever seen someone walking around with makeup t...
A blog about finding your true style and creating happiness and joy with your wardrobe.