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Showing posts with the label new year goals

Reflecting on 2023 from a place of kindess

The end of the year is always such a busy time. There are so many things to do and I am going to suggest that you add just one more to your list.  I believe it's important to take time for reflection. Let's face it, the years seem to go faster and faster with each passing one and it's easy to forget or "misplace" all that you have accomplished in the past year. Many times when people talk about reflecting back on the past year, they think of it from a place of negativity.  They think that reflection is about what DIDN'T get done, but I encourage you to reflect from a place of positivity. By reflecting on both the things that you did AND did not get done, it will allow you to evaluate what that means.  Is it really something that is important to you?  Do you need to remove that thing from your list or make a new commitment because upon reflection you realize just how important it is? By reflecting on the past year, it allows you to tap into personal growth. Thi...