We live in an increasingly busy world. It's a BIT subjective based upon what cycle of life you are living (with young kids, older kids, empty nester), but in a post-pandemic world things have really picked up in terms of what is on our list of "to do's". As women, specifically, what tends to happen in all of this busy-ness is that we put ourselves LAST. By nature, women are nurturers. We nurture and make sure our family and friends are taken care of and most of the time, that leaves no time, energy, or monetary investment for ourselves. However, doing such compassionate acts for others leaves you vulnerable to depression, illness, and a lower self-worth. In the end, when you don't take care of yourself, you are at risk of putting yourself into a situation where you can take care of and help absolutely no one! Put on your own oxygen mask first before helping others Truth! If you have ever been on an airplane, you have heard them say this du...
A blog about finding your true style and creating happiness and joy with your wardrobe.